Date of Award


Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education




Early Childhood Education

Capstone Instructor

Nedra Robinson

Second Reader

Carmen Cook


early childhood education, brain development, developmentally appropriate practices, curriculum and instruction


The disciplines of child development and education are profoundly implicated by the new research on brain development. This paper will focus on the cognitive growth and development of young children: how they learn, and how environment, relationships, emotions and experience affect their learning. The recent brain research findings relative to how the brain grows and influences to that growth will be explored, and the implications of how this knowledge can benefit educators and parents of children zero to three years of age will be shared.

This project will include the development of an instructional workshop for parents and early childhood educators that will assist them in providing a stimulating and developmentally appropriate environment for these young learners as implicated by developmental neuropsychology research. The scientific research into the functioning of the brain leaves no doubt that the early years of life are crucial, as the experiences garnered there lay the foundation for development later in life.


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