Date of Award


Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education




Early Childhood Education

Capstone Instructor

Frances Hancock

Second Reader

Barbara Schoenbeck


classroom environment, behavior, inclusive classroom, early childhood education, preschool education, case study, behavior modification


This case study analyzes the effects of challenging behaviors in the childcare development setting. It further investigates the challenging trends of a preschool student in the same setting.

Early childhood providers face, a plethora of behaviors which require direct and immediate attention. Creative and innovative intervention strategies must be in place in order to establish an environment for learning for all students in the classroom. Strategies for intervention to reduce challenging behaviors must create a cooperative and inclusive classroom. The program should include the following key elements: appropriate language; rules and ' , policies; small group projects and activities; peer partners; open-ended activities and cooperative games.

When dealing with challenging behaviors of any kind, childcare providers should keep in mind that there is an underlying reason behind a positive and or negative (challenging) specific behavior.


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