"Parent-Teacher Partnerships and the Innovative Use of Technology to Im" by Kimbely A. Rasumussen

Date of Award


Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education




Early Childhood Education

Capstone Instructor

Lynn Gehrke

Second Reader

Cecelia Westby


early childhood education, parent teacher relationships, two-way communication, parent involvement


Parent involvement in early childhood programs is a necessary component of developmentally appropriate practice. This paper will define parent involvement and one of its key components - two-way communication. A brief history of parent involvement, specific benefits of good home-school collaboration for children, parents and teachers, and ways to facilitate communication are shared. Suggestions for improving two-way communication between parents and teachers, and using technology are discussed. A review of the current research concerning parent teacher partnerships, communication and technology follows. The paper concludes with a workshop for teachers. It provides ideas for innovative ways to use technology to improve parent - teacher communication.


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