Document Type
Master of Arts
Capstone Coordinator (Advisor 1)
Eugene Bunkowske
Reader (Advisor 2)
Milton Rudnick
Reader (Advisor 3)
James Found
Concordia International School, Shanghai (Concordia) is one of several LCMS- initiated schools in Asia. Its students come from many cultures and represent a diverse range of worldviews and faith traditions. Concordia began its ministry in 1998 with twenty-one students. It enrolled its first high school students in 1999 with regular Religion classes an integral part of the academic program. As the high school grew - and its cultural, religious and worldview mix became even more dynamic - Concordia found it necessary to ask how it might more effectively introduce, through its religion curriculum, non-Christian third culture international high school students to Jesus. C.F.W. Walther might have answered this contemporary question with these words: “A [teacher] may be able to present all the dogmas correctly, but that is not enough. He must also know how to give each soul in his audience what it needs. It is not enough for the [teacher] to use the living and sharp Word of God. With that sharp sword he could easily kill these souls if he does not give them what they need. Hence the [teacher] must know how to present an accurate portrait for each hearer. If he merely sets forth the various doctrines in an objective way, that will not be enough.”
The aim then of this two-year research study was to 'reinvent' the high school religion curriculum so that its non-Christian third-culture students will consider the claims of Jesus because, at Concordia, they have the opportunity to form a personal and accurate portrait of Him.
Recommended Citation
Henderson, S. (2009). Introducing Non-Christian Third-Culture High School Students to Jesus (Thesis, Concordia University, St. Paul). Retrieved from
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