

Document Type



Master of Arts

Capstone Coordinator (Advisor 1)

Eugene Bunkowske

Reader (Advisor 2)

Mark Press

Reader (Advisor 3)

Phillip Johnson


This project was undertaken to investigate the problem of declining involvement by the laity in Christian outreach within the local congregation. With the use of the tool, GOD'S WORD of Encouragement booklets, the problem solved was: How should one use GWE to get lay people involved in Christian outreach.

Questions explored were whether fear in sharing the Good News, lack of adequate training and awareness, and apathy can be reduced with the use of the tool, GWE. Through education and promotional information, church members were made aware of opportunities in their daily lives in which they can participate in God's mission to reach the lost.

Significant findings related to the research found that with the use of the tool, GOD'S WORD of Encouragement, a 32-page, attractive, high-quality, pocket-size booklet, lay people can be involved in Christian outreach because confidence can be gained, fears diminished, and interest in reaching out with the Good News-Christ's saving, life-changing message-can be increased.


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