

Document Type



Master of Arts

Capstone Coordinator (Advisor 1)

Eugene Bunkowske

Reader (Advisor 2)

Mark Press

Reader (Advisor 3)

Phillip Johnson


This capstone investigates the relevant issues that will impact the content and format of the curriculum to be developed by LCMS World Mission to teach and equip women at their Mission Training Centers in East Africa. The primary questions that guided the field research and literature search were:

  1. How do women in East Africa communicate, learn, teach and remember?
  2. What other cultural, environmental or religious issues impact the content or presentation of the material or the structure of the program?
  3. Could Theological Education by Extension (TEE) and/or Chronological Bible Storying (CBS) serve as models for a program to train East African women?

In the field research it was discovered that the literacy rate among the women's groups who participated was less than 50% and that a significant number of the leaders were functionally nonliterate. The women also shared the topics about which they would like to learn (i.e., felt spiritual needs) and the best times to conduct the training. Finally, through one-on-one conversations, the author collected information about the impact of HIV/AIDS, drought, war and Islam on their families, communities and churches.

The literature search produced information on the learning processes of nonliterate people, concepts that may be difficult to understand or accept due to traditional beliefs and practices, and the use of TEE and CBS models to train local leaders. Recommendations for the development of the curriculum as well as samples of the first four lessons are provided.


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