Motivations and Influences on Exercise

Date of Award

Summer 6-30-2024

Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Coaching and Athletic Administration




This paper discusses the motivations and influences that caters to an individual’s ability to consistently participate in exercise related activity. The industry experience was conducted at the YMCA in which participants aged 14 through 89 had the opportunity to engage with a trainer and discuss their fitness goals and experiences during their fitness journey. The membership base primary consists of young adults aged 19-26, however, the primary participants in the orientational classes were that of senior ages which were from 55-89. In addition, this paper goes over the essential skills and tools that are needed of a trainer to successfully influence and help their client reach their fitness goals. Furthermore, it is only through engagement in which the trainer will truly gain an understanding of the needs of the individual so it is essential that the trainer adapts their skill set and style to the client so that they can optimally assist those in need.

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