Theses/Non Theses from 2024
Towards a Trauma-Informed, Culturally Competent Approach to Intimate Partner Violence, Debra Beilke
The Deep Darkness and Impact on Domestic Violence Victims, Lauren Bludworth
Healing a Broken Spirit: A Look into Institutional Trauma and Spiritual Resilience, Christian Cederstrom
When Pushback Comes to Emotional Shove: Examining the Impact of Harsh Parenting on Children’s Behavior, Elyse Christian
Risk and Protective Factors for Psychopathology During the Developmental Period 0-25 Years, Pamela Cotton
"Does Anyone Believe Me"?: The Traumatization of Domestic Violence Survivors in the Criminal Justice System, Olivia DePalma
Child Abuse and the Negative Role it Plays Throughout a Childs Lifetime, McKenna Ellingson
Childhood ADHD: Treated vs. Untreated -- Treatments, Implications, & Outcomes, Melissa Glenn
Parental Incarceration and Substance Use: Multipliers of ACEs Determining the Future of Our Youth, Katie Heath
Stress and Trauma-related Concerns Among Law Enforcement, JAMES HUGHES
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Effects on Delinquency, Katherine Lank
Parent & child ACEs: How they impact parenting practices & child development, Gracie Lenz
Assessing Risks of Atypical Sexually Violent Offenders, Lesli Mattheus
The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Child Protective Services Involvement on Juvenile Delinquency, Liana Pachot
Interfamilial Childhood Sexual Abuse, Emilie Potter
Exploring the Mental Health Impact of Incidents of Mass Violence on First Responders, Alexandra Rothrock