CUP Undergraduate Research
The Lost Girls
Date of Award
Spring 4-1-2015
Document Type
Restricted Access Thesis
College of Theology, Arts, & Sciences
Degree Name
English, BA
First Advisor
Dr. Kimberly Knutsen
The Lost Girls is a creative memoir that looks into parental verbal abuse, eating disorders, rape, miscarriage, depression, and the healing process, during the years of childhood and adolescence. The plot follows the writer’s experiences as a child in family and peer relationships and travel. It outlines her fall into depression and then slow rise out of it. Several memoirs, articles about writing, and books on healing were synthesized during the research process. The focus of the memoir is on different recollections and memories not only of the author, but of other key figures in her past. These included the subject’s family and the other girls that were in the rehabilitation center with her. The writing process enabled the author to understand her past and further improve her technical skills as a writer.
Honors: Thesis with Distinction Award