Date of Award


Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education




Educational Leadership

Capstone Instructor

Brian Boothe, Ed.D

Second Reader

Oluwatoyin Akinde Fakuajo, Ed.D


Flipped Classroom, Flipped Learning, Student Engagement, Student Success, Student Satisfaction, Student-Centered Learning, Active Learning


With a growing use of digital technology in homes and at schools, student engagement in academic content can be difficult to achieve. In some cases, students are more engaged with a cell phone than the classroom content. A flipped classroom creates an avenue for educators to utilize the digital format in a purposeful and meaningful approach. By utilizing the flipped learning model, the time students spend in the classroom can be devoted to active learning activities rather than listening to direct instruction through a lecture format. The increase in student engagement due to these active learning activities has shown to increase student success, but not necessarily student satisfaction. This student-centered model of learning can increase student success or achievement due to increased understanding of topics through more autonomous and carefully delivered curriculum. Although the research is not consistent with a connection to flipped classrooms and student satisfaction, the flipped learning model may increase student satisfaction when applied to an appropriate age level and curriculum. While there is still more research to be done, flipped classrooms are clearly an appropriate learning model to increase classroom engagement when applied with careful preparation and implementation.
