Joel Thingvall
Julie M. Luker
BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Joel Thingvall is a Caucasian male born on September 16th, 1953. He lived with his father and mother in the Longfellow neighborhood. His father worked for Glenwood Inglewood Springwater Company. His mother worked at a female-run company conducting market research. He was an only child. SUBJECTS DISCUSSED: Thingvall talks about his parents history with the home they grew up in and how neighbors stayed in the neighborhood. He talks about odd jobs he did for money and chores he had growing up. Thingvall talks about the different churches around the city growing up. He mentions his thoughts about joining the ministry and why he decided against it. Thingvall talked about how activities at the time were centered around the church and the parks and schools events. He talks about his love of comics and people he knew from the industry. He talks about the tight knit nature of the community at the time. Lastly, Thingvall talks about big events that happened at the time: space landing, Minneapolis race riots, and diversity of the neighborhoods.
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