Nancy Eder

Nancy Eder


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Nancy Eder


Julie Luker


Landmark Associates


Silent Generation (1928-1945)


East Side

Document Type

Oral History

Date of Interview



East Side, Saint Paul, 1945


Oral History | Psychology


BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Nancy Eder is a white female born September 26th, 1945. She grew up with her mother, father, and sister. Her father worked at 3M. Her mother was a stay-at-home mom. Eder grew up Lutheran but is now Catholic. SUBJECTS DISCUSSED: Eder gives a picture of her extended family, a story of cats in her family, and describes mealtimes at her house. She talks about how living through the Depression shaped how her parents’ relationship with money. Eder tells of her time at Cross Lutheran School. She describes how views Christianity as an adult; a social Christianity that respects others and tries to make the world a more just place. Eder describes her neighborhood, activities that the children engaged in, and her childhood home. Eder tells about the values held by her family; how privacy was important to her parents. Eder also talks about going to resorts up north for family vacations every year. She talks about her love of school and the friends she made. Lastly, Eder talks about issues that happened as she was growing up. The reactions that she had and how they differed from the reactions and attitudes of her parents.

Nancy Eder



Cover Image Rights

"Twin Cities 7 Metro map" by Davumaya is licensed under CC BY 3.0