Charles (Charlie) Stoerzinger

Charles (Charlie) Stoerzinger


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Charles (Charlie) Stoerzinger


Julie Luker


Charles Schultz


Silent Generation (1928-1945)


South Saint Paul

Document Type

Oral History

Date of Interview



South Saint Paul, Saint Paul, 1941


Oral History | Psychology


BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Charles (Charlie) Stoerzinger is a white male born on September 23, 1941. His father was a tradesman in the printing industry, and his mother was an at-home parent. He is the middle child of three kids. He grew up Lutheran. SUBJECTS DISCUSSED: Stoerzinger starts by describing his family life, centering around how he grew up with a tight family relationship, as well as his mother's experience with tuberculosis and their family pets. He mentions some of the household chores that were divided by the members of the family, as well as the economic status that his family had due to his father's work. He briefly discusses his religious upbringing. He goes on to describe what his neighborhood looked like, going into extensive detail about the physical surroundings of the neighborhood and homes, as well as a couple of the families that lived there. Stoerzinger mentions the values of honesty. Afterwards, he touches on the activities that were done for leisure time, such as playing neighborhood games, and traveling for vacation. He goes on to give a short story of a memory he has of schooling. He ends the interview by describing the local issues affecting the neighborhood, such as the racial divide and minority labor.

Charles (Charlie) Stoerzinger



Cover Image Rights

"Twin Cities 7 Metro map" by Davumaya is licensed under CC BY 3.0