Maggie Berry

Maggie Berry


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Maggie Berry


Cole Steinberg


Landmark Associates


Baby Boom Generation (1946-1964)


Summit Hill

Document Type

Oral History

Date of Interview



Summit Hill, Saint Paul, 1955


Oral History | Psychology


BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Maggie Berry is a Caucasian woman born on June 3rd, 1955. She grew up with her seven siblings and parents. Her father sold golf equipment, and her mother was a teacher's aide. She was raised Catholic but now identifies with Christianity. SUBJECTS DISCUSSED: Berry begins his interview by mentioning that at 17 years of age she taught her mother how to drive. She recalls, at eight years old, taking the bus to downtown Saint Paul with her 11 year-old sister. On Sundays after church service, Berry and her family would get donuts from a bakery and her father would cook bacon for them. She describes her summer schedule as consisting of swimming practice, eating, and more swimming practice. Berry remembers the small businesses on Grand Avenue during his childhood and adolescence. Next, she talks about leisure time activities such as playing Barbie with her friend Megan and playing tennis. Her parents were involved more with the church. Concluding her interview, Berry described various local and global issues that affected her. These issues included the assassination of JFK and Martin Luther King Jr., the Vietnam War drafts, protests over the war at the U of M, and fears of riots.

Maggie Berry



Cover Image Rights

"Twin Cities 7 Metro map" by Davumaya is licensed under CC BY 3.0