Michael Guion

Michael Guion


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Michael Guion


Julie Luker


Landmark Associates


Baby Boom Generation (1946-1964)



Document Type

Oral History

Date of Interview



Linwood, Saint Paul, 1951


Oral History | Psychology


BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Michael Guion is a Caucasian male born on April 12, 1951. He grew up in the Saint Paul neighborhood, Linwood on Oxford and Osceola. Both parents raised him, and he was the middle child. Guion has two older brothers, two younger sisters, and a younger brother. His father was an Army Reservist, while his mother was a stay-at-home mom. Guion was brought up as a Catholic. SUBJECTS DISCUSSED: Guion starts his interview by explaining his living situation with his family. They lived in the basement of an apartment building, which he recalled to have been cramped but still found it cozy. He remembers the rent being $135 when his entire family lived there; he moved back to that place once he was older and paid $195 monthly. Next, he discusses his brother Tom's draft into the Vietnam War on a buddy system with his friend. His brother worked in the mailing room, and his friend, Bruce Truhler, was on the field for three days before being killed. Guion recalls spending time with his friends before midnight mass behind Grand Avenue. The group would listen to various groups: The Rolling Stones, Byrds, and The Beatles. His neighbors opened an ice cream shop called "The Parlor" and asked him and his siblings to place an order whenever the couple trained someone new. Lastly, after watching a movie at the Uptown Movie Theater, Guion got the chance to meet O.J. Simpson.

Michael Guion



Cover Image Rights

"Twin Cities 7 Metro map" by Davumaya is licensed under CC BY 3.0