Jeff Sward
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Jeff Sward
Cole Steinberg
Charles Schultz
Baby Boom Generation (1946-1964)
Document Type
Oral History
Date of Interview
Richfield, Minneapolis, 1956
Oral History | Psychology
BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Jeff Sward is a white male born on December 30th, 1956. Sward grew up in Richfield right across from the airport and never moved. He grew up with two siblings, one sister and one brother. Sward was very close to his family. SUBJECTS DISCUSSED: Sward’s family was considered middle-class. His dad was a plumber and his mom was a teacher’s assistant. Despite not struggling with money, the family was rather frugal. Religion was a big factor in the early days of Sward’s life. Chores were also a big part of his household, with each member having different responsibilities. Sward remembers playing games outside and going to parks and lakes with neighborhood friends. Sward shares how he was brought up to value honesty, and he recalls that other kids were also very honest and connected to their parents in the same way. Sward reflects on his involvement with his school’s excellent baseball program and describes some of his favorite bands and music. Lastly, he talks about some of the local and global issues, such as Woodstock, Polio, and the Vietnam War.
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced without the written permission of Concordia University Library or Julie Luker, Department of Psychology, Concordia University, St. Paul.
Recommended Citation
Luker, Julie M., "Jeff Sward" (2023). Minneapolis and Surrounding Area. 8.
Cover Image Rights
"Twin Cities 7 Metro map" by Davumaya is licensed under CC BY 3.0