Alicia Joswiak
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Alicia Joswiak
Cole Steinberg
Charles Schultz
Generation Z/iGen (1997-2010)
New Brighton
Document Type
Oral History
Date of Interview
New Brighton, Minneapolis, 2000
Oral History | Psychology
BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Alicia Joswiak is a Caucasian female born October 2, 2000. She initially lived on the East Side of Saint Paul but moved to New Brighton at a young age. Her mother was a manager and her father worked second shift. She also has a younger sister. SUBJECTS DISCUSSED: Joswiak was not very close to her extended family, but she did have a strong relationship with her grandmother and older neighbor. She grew up with financial stability. Her family was able to travel frequently. Joswiak remembers spending a lot of time with her sister growing up and being involved in school. Joswiak was involved in music programs and developed a real love for playing several instruments and participating in bands. She remembers being outside a lot and playing in the park near her house. She was not encouraged to be involved in religion and neither were her parents, but she was involved in the church choir. Joswiak reflects on the importance of education and intelligence, and how these were core values of the neighborhood. She was able to complete college level courses during high school, earning her associate degree and high school diploma at the same time. Lastly, Joswiak says she was never really affected by global issues. Some of the local issues that she remembers, however, include health issues at school, such as strep throat or head lice.
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced without the written permission of Concordia University Library or Julie Luker, Department of Psychology, Concordia University, St. Paul.
Recommended Citation
Luker, Julie M., "Alicia Joswiak" (2023). Minneapolis and Surrounding Area. 6.

Cover Image Rights
"Twin Cities 7 Metro map" by Davumaya is licensed under CC BY 3.0