The Sword
Publication Date
Editor in Chief
Brooke Steigauf
- The Ongoing Situation on our Southern Border
- Christmas Around the World: Comparing Celebrations Across Cultures
- Climate Change is Affecting You
- The Boring Company Cancels Plans to Open Its Sepulveda Test Tunnel
- Thanks to Science, You Can Eat an Apple a Day
- SpongeBob Creator Stephen Hillenburg Passes Away
- Russians and Ukrainians Clash at Sea as Tensions Run High
- Perfectionism: A Source of Suffering in Young Adults
- NASA Lands New Space Probe on Mars
- MPLS One Step Closer to Municipal ID's
- Minnesota Scientist Leads Investigation on Soil Microbes
- CRISPR Babies: Chinese Scientist Claims First Genetically-Modified Humans
- Midterm Election Results Summary: The 116th Congress
- Passing the Torch: Minnesota's First Hmong Essay Contest
- Small Newspaper in Rural Oregon Thrives
- CSP Hosts SIETAR Conference on Ideological Polarizations: Lessons and Takeaways
- Betsy DeVos' Title IX Guidelines Prioritize Schools Over Students
- GM Layoffs Has Everyone Pointing Fingers
- It is Never Okay to Ban Books
- How SpongeBob Has Impacted Me
- Group-work in the Classroom
- The Ultimate Stand-off: Real vs. Fake Trees
- The Best Christmas Music
- The Best Holiday Movie
- Worst Holiday Movie
- Seasonal Depression: How to Beat It
- Goal Setting: Making New Year's Resolutions Effective/li>
- Women's Basketball Looks to Get Hot Going Into the New Year
- Kalin Bennett Breaks Barriers: First Student-Athlete with Autism to Sign Letter of Intent for D1 Basketball
- US Bank Stadium Basketball Classic: A Glimpse at What's to Come
- Tyler Dunn's NFL Playoff Predictions
- Former NFL Players Continue to Come Out Regarding Opioid Abuse
- Athletes and Domestic Violence: An Alarming and Ongoing Trend
- Indoor Track and Field Preview: Youthful Men's and Women's Teams Poised for Growth, Success
- Joe Mauer Retires: Thank You #7
- Men's Basketball Team Starts Season on the Right Track
- MN Timberwolves Trade Butler
- Male Athlete of the Month: Bryndan Matthews
- Female Athlete of the Month: Lindsay Dorr
Arts and Variety
- Bremen Town Blues
- Music Review: The Replacements, For Sale: Live at Maxwell's 1986
- Art in the Cities
- Charity Spotlight: Feed My Starving Children
- Food Review: Red Rabbit, When One Door Closes Another Opens
- Book Review: Sea of Rust
- The Many Faces of Nature: A Look at CSP's Photo Biennial
- Movie Review: Border
- New On Netflix
- Trudging Through Student Teaching
- Horoscopes
Document Type
This is not an official CSP publication and does not necessarily reflect the view of the administration, faculty, or staff. For all questions related to copyright and reuse of these materials, contact The Sword via email at sword@csp.edu.
Recommended Citation
Last, First. "Article Title." The Sword [St Paul] December 2018: pages. https://digitalcommons.csp.edu/sword/5/
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