The Sword
Publication Date
Editor in Chief
Rebecca Beasley
- It's Just a Perfectly Planned PR Move, Mom! Jimmy Butler Reveals His New "Emo" Look
- Russians Ken-Not Get Enough of Barbie!
- The Story of KelSwift
- Autumn Spotify Playlist
- The Pumpkin Spice Apocalypse is Upon Us Again
- Why Do We Celebrate Thanksgiving?
- What Happened to the Vikings?
- Minnesota Gophers Football Team Faces Adversity as the 2023 Season Goes Underway
Arts & Variety:
- Recipe Review: Carmelized Veggie Pasta with Parmesan sauce
- Music Review: The Impact of Lana Del Rey's "Blue Banisters"
- 5 Autumn Mocktail Recipes
Document Type
This is not an official CSP publication and does not necessarily reflect the view of the administration, faculty, or staff. For all questions related to copyright and reuse of these materials, contact The Sword via email at sword@csp.edu.
Recommended Citation
Last, First. "Article Title." The Sword [St Paul] November 2023: pages. https://digitalcommons.csp.edu/sword/
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