The Sword
Publication Date
Editor in Chief
Rebecca Beasley
- Iranian Protests
- Hans Niemann Cheating Scandal
- Finalists Finally Selected for St. Paul Police Chief
- Winners Caught Cheating in Fishing Competition
- Dreams Come True With First Hmong Public School
- Swedish Scientist Svante Paabo Wins Nobel Prize in Medicine
- Hurricane Ian
- Isolation Amid COVID-19 Pandemic Puts Children at Risk: A look into the Exponentially Increasing Cases of Eating Disorders in Adolescents.
- NBA Preview
- The Vikings: Update on the Season
- Roe V. Wade: Why We Don't Need It
- Little Library Edina Thefts
- Roe v. Wade: Why We Need It
- What the Women in Iran Can Teach Us
- Should Gen Z's (and Adjacent) Join The Vote or Run The Other Way?
- An Unpopular Opinion on Cheating; The Ned Fulmer Scandal
- True Crime Documentaries: Are They Harmful?
- Is Autumn The Best Season?
- Should We Stop Using Helium for Entertainment?
Arts & Variety:
- Broke College Students' Recipes
- TV Review: She-Hulk: Attourney at Law: A new Marvel Hit or a Disaster in the Making?
- Fall Drinks: Pumpkin Spice?
- Book Review: "Outlander" by Diana Gabaldon
- Afton Apple Orchard Review
- 151st Anniversary of Fredrick Melius Christiansen
- Fall Closet Essentials
- Cinnamon Honey Apple Pie Recipe Review
- A Non-Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner: Mama's Pozole Verde
- Boo-zy Without the Buzz: Four Fall Mocktails to Try This Season
- Tips for the Thanksgiving Table
- Thanksgiving Conversation Starters
- Poem Review: Pillow Thoughts
Document Type
This is not an official CSP publication and does not necessarily reflect the view of the administration, faculty, or staff. For all questions related to copyright and reuse of these materials, contact The Sword via email at sword@csp.edu.
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Last, First. "Article Title." The Sword [St Paul] November 2022: pages. https://digitalcommons.csp.edu/sword/
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