The Sword
Publication Date
Editor in Chief
Anna Fritze
Front Matter
- Letter from the Editor
- Violence Escalating Between Armenia and Azerbaijan
- St. Paul Schools Begin in Returning to Classrooms
- Tasmanian Devils Return to Australia
- Enrollment Surge at CSP
- Will the Dogma Prevail in the Supreme Court? Three Minnesota Women on Amy Coney Barrett Nomination
- A Historic Day for Venice as Barriers Prevent Flooding
- Timeline of President Trump's Covid-19 Diagnosis and Treatment
- A Weakening Democracy in Kyrgyzstan: Tumultuous Times for the Country of Six Million
- Trump, Covid, and the 2020 Election
- A Genocide Hidden from the World: China's Plan to Exterminate the Uyghur
- Why Your Vote Matters
- The Sword Candidate Endorsement
- A Case for President Trump
- The Pandemic's Effect on Sports
- Does Social Media Have an Effect on the Elections?
- Peekers: The Underground Community of CSP Anti-Maskers
- Halloween in Quarantine: A Step by Step Guide to an Awfully Amazing Halloween!
- A Risky Attempt at Protecting Students: Concordia's Plan for the Holiday's during Predicted Covid-19 Spike
- The Presidential and Vice-Presidential Debates
- Masking Procedures During Practices
- Football Practices Back in Action
- CSP Lifting During Covid
- CSP Athletics on How to be an Antiracist
- eSports Thrive Despite the Pandemic
Arts and Variety
- The Carnegies
- Movie Review: Tenet
- Zoom-Based Opera for Preschoolers
- CSP's New Recording Studio
- St. Paul Art Crawl
- Hope Breakfast Bar: Food Review
- Book Review: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
- CSP Supports Local Businesses by Purchasing "Singer's Masks"
- Hauntitorium 2020
- Recipe Review: Turkey Taco Skillet
- Senior Spotlight: Jolie Dirksen
Document Type
This is not an official CSP publication and does not necessarily reflect the view of the administration, faculty, or staff. For all questions related to copyright and reuse of these materials, contact The Sword via email at sword@csp.edu.
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