The Sword
Publication Date
Editor in Chief
Mara Grau
Front Matter:
- Letter from the Editor;
- Creating a COVID-19 Vaccine;
- Distance Learning in Minnesota;
- Gun Sales Surge in MInnesota and Across the Country;
- The Financial Outcome of the COVID-19 Crisis;
- Staying Sane During Quarantine;
- Businesses Benefiting from Corona;
- Coronavirus Stimulus Checks;
- Do Introverts Have an Advantage in Quarantine;
- Exotic for President;
- Foosers;
- My Experience as a Collegiate Esports Player;
- Stay Home or Get Lost;
- NBA and NHL Mull Plans for Finishing Seasons;
- The NCAA and COVID-19;
Arts and Variety:
- Spring Into Dance VIII: A Moment of Magic and Heartache;
- Music During the Pandemic;
- Book Review: Little Weirds;
- Going Home;
- A Creative in Quarantine;
Coping with Social Distancing:
Document Type
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Last, First. "Article Title."The Sword [St Paul] Mon YEAR: pages. https://digitalcommons.csp.edu/sword/
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