The Sword
Publication Date
Editor in Chief
Mara Grau
- A Non-Political Twitter;
- Airbnb to Start Verifying Listings;
- Amazon Unveils Alexa-Enabled Christmas Tree;
- Minnesota Raises Fine for Drivers Not Stopping for School Buses;
- Amidst Bolivia's Chaos;
- ISIS Leader Dead but the Fight is Not Over;
- Jeffrey Epstein Didn't Kill Himself;
- Take a Number: Long Wait Times at Local DMVs;
- Not Enough Space for a White Picket Fence: The Minneapolis 2040 Housing Plan;
- Returned at Last: How the Wiyot Tribe Took Back Duluwat Island;
- Studies Show Sleep Leads to Reduced Stress;
- Why Snow is the Worst;
- "Ok Boomer": Innocent Joke or Insult?;
- 2020: The Year to Turn Blue?;
- I Survived my Student Teaching Clinical (and yes, I still want to be a teacher);
- Trends Only Last So Long;
- Do Ghosts Co-Exist in a World With Us?;
- The Five-Hour Work Day;
- Why You Shouldn't Set a New Year's Resolution;
- It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, So Why Is Everyone So Angry?;
- Where to Hit the Books;
- 2019 Gift Guide;
- Flu Season: Why You Should Take It Seriously and Get Vaccinated;
- CSP Football Clinches First Winning Season Since 2011;
- CSP's Volleyball Team Closes Out Regular Season;
- More Needs to be Done to Increase Positive Perception of Esports;
- Golden Bear Men's Basketball Aims for Bounce Back;
- Lady Bears Basketball Off to a Strong Start;
- New-Look Timberwolves Already Seeing Signs of Improvement;
- Golden Bear Cross Country Season Comes to a Close;
- Midseason Hot Streak Keeps Playoff Hopes Alive for the Vikings;
- Gophers Football Remains Undefeated and in Uncharted Territory;
Arts and Variety:
- Food Review: Hi-Lo Diner A Minneapolis Gem;
- Book Review: Snow Crash;
- Tasty Pot Review: Hot Pot Soup That Delivers Warmth in the Cold!;
- Movie Review: Arctic Dogs;
- New on Netflix: The King;
- "A Satirical Expose of Concordia's Writing Center";
- Theatre/Dance Spotlight: Kalynn Fuller;
- Artist Spotlight: Shannon Kourajian;
Document Type
This is not an official CSP publication and does not necessarily reflect the view of the administration, faculty, or staff. For all questions related to copyright and reuse of these materials, contact The Sword via email at sword@csp.edu.
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Last, First. "Article Title."The Sword [St Paul] Mon YEAR: pages. https://digitalcommons.csp.edu/sword/
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