The Sword
Publication Date
Editor in Chief
Brooke Steigauf
Front Matter
- Letter From the Editor
- New CSP Computer Science Program Seeing Major Growth
- The Las Vegas Tragedy: Deadliest Mass Shooting in Modern U.S. History
- CSP Believes in Believing: Newest Effort to End Sexual Assault and Violence on Campus
- NFL Players Taking a Stand by Kneeling
- New Club on the Block: The League of Legends Club
- "Life is Grey": Prenatal Genetic Testing Around the World
- CSP's Memorandum of Understanding with Huiahua University
- The Right to Drive: Royal Decree Gives Suadi Arabian Women Freedom to Take the Wheel
- Staff Spotlight: Colleen Arendt
- CSP Cross Country Pushes the Pace in Anticipation of the NSIC Championships
- A Game off the Court: Scandal in College Basketball
- Positivity and Potential: Young CSP Soccer Team Sets the Bar High
- Minnesota Wild Preview
- Minnesota Timberwolves 2017-2018 Season Preview: Rebrand Marks a New Chapter with Optimism
- Soccer Team has Record-Setting Start to Season
- The State of CSP Women's Volleyball
- Male Athlete of the Month: Bejamin Allen
- October Female Athlete of the Month: Kara Lindberg
- Gold Standard
- Is the Antifa Justified in Their Actions?
- Political Correctness, Marxism, and Nazi Germany: A Call for Education
- Should We Care About Substance Abuse in Sports?
- Colin Kaepernick and Social Justice: Taking a Knee for What's Right
- Are Government Handouts Really Being Abused by the Poor?
- Anxiety in Youth
- Psych Them Out: Psychology in Sport is the Next Trend of Sport Training and Sport Medicine
- Every Empire Has an End: The Reverse Evolution of the Human Race
- How Sodexo Serves You: A Closer Look at CSP's Food Service
Arts and Variety
- Book Review: I am the Messenger
- Artist Spotlight: Celene Paez
- "Not Far Away": John Berkey's Sci-Fi Paintings
- Movie Review: The Battle of the Sexes
- Music Review: ODESZA is Back - A Review of A Moment Apartment
- Faculty Artist Recital Series September 29th
- Music Spotlight: Alexandra Cleary
- Theatre Spotlight: Alicia Benning - A Peek Inside the Costume Shop
- Food Review: The Naughty Greek
Document Type
This is not an official CSP publication and does not necessarily reflect the view of the administration, faculty, or staff. For all questions related to copyright and reuse of these materials, contact The Sword via email at sword@csp.edu.
Recommended Citation
Last, First. "Article Title."The Sword [St Paul] October 2016: pages. https://digitalcommons.csp.edu/sword/
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