The Sword
Publication Date
Editor in Chief
Charles Hines
Front Page
- Handbells Concert
- Student Teaching: My Experience in the Classroom
- Theology and Ministry Club
- Athlete of the Month: Kyle Dalton
- Snow's Gone, Baseball's Back
- Spring Football
- Standing in the Shadow: Micah Niebuhr and His Javelin
- Movie Review: The Theory of Everything
- Movie Review: Birdman
- Movie Review: Insurgent
- Music Review: Carrie & Lowell
- Movie Review: Furious 7
- Theater Review: Riverview Theater
- Modern Day Odometer: Nike Fuel Band
- The Common White Girl Strikes Back: A Trend Review
- Book Review: My Fat Mad Teenage Diary
- Movie Review: Fargo
- Life of a CONnoissuer
Arts and Variety
- Percussion Ensemble: A Night of Beats and Rhythms
- Spring Into Dance Review
- Music Spotlight: Jessica Yoakum
Document Type
This is not an official CSP publication and does not necessarily reflect the view of the administration, faculty, or staff. For all questions related to copyright and reuse of these materials, contact The Sword via email at sword@csp.edu.
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Last, First. "Article Title."The Sword [St Paul] May 2015: pages. https://digitalcommons.csp.edu/sword/
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