

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Kinesiology and Health Sciences

First Advisor

Lana Huberty


The NFL Combine is an annual event where potential professional football players get the opportunity to interview with professional teams. The Combine is an invite-only event where the athletes prepare for weeks before the actual event. This paper discusses the marketing plan of the NFL Combine with a goal to market to current and new football fans across the globe. This paper also covers strategies that will be used to retain employees along with a feedback process. A risk management plan was included to protect participants and employees. This risk management plan also includes a contingency plan in case issues occur. Ethics in sports has been an issue in multiple sports and the NFL Combine is no exception. This paper discusses the ethical issues related to the NFL Combine. The final chapter discusses my history as a student, father, and leader. The final chapter also discusses my five-year plan and my goals moving forward.
