

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts

Chairperson (Advisor 1)

Dr. Richard Brynteson

Reader (Advisor 2)

Dr. Kimora Kachelmyer


Depression is the most common form of mental illness affecting individuals in the American population. It is estimated that 7 .1 % of the American population are affected by the disorder during the course of any one-year. The United States Surgeon General estimates that 20% of all Americans will suffer from an incapacitating depression sometime during their lifetime.

The costs of depression to American employers are exceeding $30 billion a year due to absenteeism, decreased productivity, and medical bills. Businesses are becoming increasingly aware of the need to address mental illness in the work environment because of these financial implications.

For employers to decrease these costs and improve the overall operations of a business, companies must educate managers. Managers must be aware of available resources and allowable accommodations within the company. In addition, managers must have an understanding of the contents of the Americans with Disabilities Act to comply with state and federal regulations. By addressing the issues of depression within the work environment, companies will be able to decrease their expenses and increase the overall effectiveness of the organization.


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