

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts

Chairperson (Advisor 1)

Dr. Kimora Kachelmyer

Reader (Advisor 2)

Dr. Richard Brynteson


The online industry is growing rapidly and is transforming the way in which businesses compete. As a result, the following questions are becoming important to managers in retail industries: Are brand names more valuable online or in traditional stores? Does the increasing availability of comparative price information online make consumers more price-sensitive? In this study, the need for a greater understanding of consumer purchasing behaviors while shopping online is explored in relationship to the purchasing behaviors of traditional shopping behaviors ( offline ). The participants of this research project strongly adhered to the theories postulated by several authors. The emerging Internet channel is changing the way that business is conducted. This change is also causing a shift in the way that marketing professionals communicate and gain credibility of their offering with this newly emerging segment.


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