

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts

Chairperson (Advisor 1)

Dr. Richard Brynteson

Reader (Advisor 2)

Dr. Kimora Kachelmyer


The purpose of this synthesis is to provide insight from four diverse Organizational Development (hereafter referred to as "OD") team leaders and one Chief Executive Officer (CEO) regarding their experience in leading a project team through a major cultural change initiative at a utility company from 1988-1998. Specifically, the research project looks at how this experience has impacted the leaders' personal and professional lives. The research describes the impact the initiative had on the organization, contemplates whether or not the leadership experience is replicable, and if the discoveries learned are transferable to other areas of the leaders' lives.

The study will connect what selected and related literature says about the need for humanness in organizations to remain alive and how this can be accomplished through the characters portrayed in this paper. The story will describe a peak experience each "change agent" leader told to the writer.


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