Date of Award


Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education




Early Childhood Education

Capstone Instructor

Jackie Mosqueda

Second Reader

Lynn Gehrke


language and literacy curriculum, kinesthetic learners, tactual learners, kindergarten


At the heart of every kindergarten program is a teacher who has a thorough knowledge of the language and literacy curriculum (Rog, 2001). Thus, kindergarten teachers must first identify and examine what concepts are needed to develop sound and effective language and literacy instruction when teaching children. The purpose of this project is to create a sound and effective supplemental language and literacy curriculum that primarily addresses the needs of the tactual-kinesthetic learner, to ensure that all kindergarten children are actively engaged during language and literacy instruction.

Major aspects of a language and literacy curriculum in kindergarten include key components of instruction, a print rich environment, the concept of developmentally appropriate practice, addressing the diverse needs of children, the need for a balanced approach in the delivery of language and literacy instruction, and an understanding of different learning styles of young children. However, even after taking into account all the major aspects, this does not necessarily ensure that tactual-kinesthetic learners will be actively engaged to their full potential. Thus, the gap identified is that there seems to be little curriculum available for the kindergarten teacher that provides specific techniques, strategies, and activities to use in a language and literacy kindergarten program, which is captivating enough to hold the imagination, engaging enough to sustain active involvement, and stimulating enough to motivate further literacy exploration for the tactual-kinesthetic learner (Machado, 2007).

Personal experience suggests tactual-kinesthetic learners in kindergarten are not being engaged to their full potential during early literacy instruction. Throughout language and literacy instruction, some children do not appear to be paying attention, talking with other children, fidgeting while sitting, etc. Thus, the tactual-kinesthetic learner may often be labeled as the "disruptive child" (Robledo, 2004).

Educators may underestimate the capabilities of the tactual-kinesthetic learner by failing to recognize strengths and individual needs (IRA & NAEYC, 1998). Good teaching begins with knowing the learners and adapting the curriculum to meet the needs of each child and the group as a whole. Therefore, this project will provide strategies, techniques and activities that enable the tactual-kinesthetic learner to reach his or her full potential during language and literacy instruction.


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