Date of Award


Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education




Early Childhood Education

Capstone Instructor

Susan Dion

Second Reader

Lynn Gehrke


early childhoood education, outreach, advocacy


Despite the efforts of many individuals, the field of early childhood education continues to lack the respect, recognition, and resources that it deserves. A number of individuals in today's society lack an understanding related to high quality early childhood programs and the benefits that these programs produce. It is vital that the general public become educated on key topic areas, such as NAEYC, effective teaching practices, and early childhood brain development so that communities can work towards creating, supporting, and sustaining, the high quality early childhood programs that the children and families of our society deserve.

In addition to providing an overview of research that supports the highlighted topic areas, this project contains a workshop guide that was created with the intentions of educating parents and policy makers on the benefits of high quality early childhood programming. Handouts containing exercises as well as a wide variety of early childhood resources are also included.


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