"Challenging Behaviors in Young Children: The Causes and Strategies for" by Barbara Gordon

Date of Award


Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education




Early Childhood Education

Capstone Instructor

Lynn Gehrke

Second Reader

Sue Starks


early childhood education, behavior, child abuse and neglect


Teachers in early learning settings are exposed to children coming from a variety of complex family situations. Many children are able to facilitate the transitions between home and early childhood education programs without undue challenges, however for the group of young children exposed to a variety of challenges such as family violence, poverty, and substance abuse, the transitions can affect how they behave in group settings. Understanding how challenging behaviors are formed in young children can assist early learning teachers with the beginning strategies to work with this group of children. Using research-based training methods, teachers will learn valuable skills to apply within their own early learning settings.


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