Date of Award


Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education




Early Childhood Education

Capstone Instructor

Lynn Gehrke

Second Reader

Sue Starks


mixed age classrooms, early childhood education


Preschool children in early childhood programs benefit from mixed age classrooms. Lillian Katz (1992) states, "Research on cross-age interaction, peer-tutoring, and cooperative learning indicates that an age range of greater than one year can provide a level of intellectual stimulation that supports the development of both intellectual and academic competence"(p. 3). Preschool children, in positive and encouraging high quality early childhood mixed age programs, exhibit more positive social and emotional behaviors than children in same age classrooms. Children in a mixed age group are more likely to receive greater social benefits than in a same age group, especially children who are at-risk in social development (Katz, 1992). The purpose of this capstone is to educate early childhood educators and parents on the benefits and implementation of mixed age classrooms.


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