Date of Award


Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education




Early Childhood Education


early childhood education, assessment, educational tests and measurements, professional development


Authentic assessment is a method of evaluating the growth and development of young children. Authentic assessment allows the teacher to evaluate a child's progress while interacting with real life tasks. Through observation and implementation of authentic assessments, teachers can plan activities, enhance or augment the environment and engage children during play schemes to expand their learning. Many teachers have not had the proper training to grasp the value of assessment or honed their observation skills. T:\len there are needs to understand how to incorporate the results from assessments into daily practices to extend individual learning.

As teachers strive to increase their professional development, programs to promote growth and higher learning for early childhood teachers have to incorporate information on observations and assessment skills. Through the use of authentic assessments, early childhood teachers are able to assess the development of young children during a period of rapid maturity. Teachers of young children need ongoing support to understand these changes and to incorporate these results of individual assessments to drive daily practices.


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