

Document Type



Bachelor of Arts

Project Coordinator (Advisor 1)

William Niebergall


The main question which will be addressed by this project is whether or not it is cost-effective for District Energy to acquire and use desktop publishing hardware and software. In order to answer this question, printing and publishing costs incurred by the organization over the last two years will be calculated and documented. Current publishing needs will be examined. The issue of whether or not the quality of visual communication could be improved with desktop publishing will also be explored. Additional uses of the hardware and software, such as use of the laser printer by the engineering department, will also be explored. Specific recommendations for software and hardware purchases, if any, will also be included. The option of utilizing a desktop publishing service bureau, rather than the traditional typesetting and printing process or in-house use of desktop publishing, will also be examined.


Concordia School of Accelerated Learning


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