

Document Type



Bachelor of Arts

Project Coordinator (Advisor 1)

Eva Sova


The purpose of this research project was to find possible solutions for reducing the number of children involved in farm accidents. The researcher believes that farm accidents can be prevented by making the agricultural community aware of the factors which contributes to accidents.

The researcher identified twenty-seven farm families within Mayhew Lake township of Benton County. A survey was sent to these families requesting information on possible causes of farm accidents and recommendations to prevent these accidents. Based on the returned surveys, a determination was be made that a farm safety seminar would interest farm families in Benton County.

The literature review done by the researcher confirmed that children under the age of fourteen are involved in a large percentage of farm accidents. One aspect, discovered by the researcher was that many of these children are not actually doing farm work, but were in areas where they should not be while farm work is occurring.


Concordia School of Accelerated Learning


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