Factors Influencing Lower Limb Amputees Prosthetic Care in Tanzania

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Orthotics and Prosthetics




The main goal in the prosthetic field is to restore function for patients. There is a multitude of criteria that must be met in order to restore a patient’s functional needs and requirements. However, in underdeveloped countries, these services are inconsistent, limited, and/or non-existent. Influential factors that are unique to these specific countries influence the participation of lower limb amputees. These factors are often overlooked when prosthetic care is eventually available. Despite the rates of amputations in underdeveloped countries rising, there are few studies that focus on influential factors amongst this specific demographic.

Objective: To examine the influencing factors in Tanzania that influence participation in prosthetic care of adults with lower limb amputations.

Methods: In this qualitative descriptive study, 42 amputees participated in a semi-structured, face-to-face interview. The patient’s experiences were generated using a thematic analysis guided by the International Classification of Function (ICF) framework.

Practical Application: Results from this study provided insights on the influential factors that amputees with lower limb amputations experience that can facilitate and optimize prosthetic participation.

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