Temperature and Time: The Effects of Average Annual Outdoor Temperature on High School Cross Country 5K Times in the United States

Date of Award

Summer 6-28-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Coaching and Athletic Administration



First Advisor

Dr. Ryan Hubbard


This study aimed to test the relationship between average outdoor annual temperature and times run for the 5K in high school cross country runners for the year 2022 in the United States. Research articles used came from internet and database searches. Different studies found that temperature had an effect on exercise level (Peng et al., 2016) and also played a role in the time spent devoted to physical activity (Ferguson et al., 2023). Furthermore, mean average temperature was found to have the most impact on vigorous intensity physical activity (Laverty et al., 2018). Information was gathered from two websites: NOAA and Athletic.net. The mean average annual temperatures for each state excluding Hawaii were paired up with the average run time for the top 50 fastest boys and girls and boys and girls combined in each state. The data was then used in linear regression and ANOVA tests. The results showed that no real correlation exists among average outdoor annual temperature and time run.

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