Assessment of Prosthetic Interventions as Accommodations for Volume Fluctuations in Lower Extremity Amputees

Date of Award

Summer 7-2023

Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Orthotics and Prosthetics



First Advisor

Darren Weins

Second Advisor

Lana Huberty

Third Advisor



The purpose of this study is to research potential prosthetic systems on the market which can accommodate for volume fluctuations of lower limb amputees which will perform better and more reliably than liners and socks which wear out quickly. The hypothesis of this study is that there are, indeed, systems on the market which have potential to be used to accommodate for these volume changes, however the hypothesis also is that these potential systems may need improvements to best stabilize residual limb volume. This study will specifically focus on several socket designs, elevated vacuum suspension, liners, as well as several systems that are still in the clinical trial phase of development. This study will be conducted thoroughly by selecting both male and female trans-tibial prosthetic wearers, as well as female trans-tibial wearers who are pregnant. This study will compare volume control amongst several devices on the market using these patient participants. Data will be collected by measuring limb circumferences in the morning when the participant wakes up, as well as halfway through their day, then once more in the evening when they remove their prosthetic device. Comparing the difference in circumferential measurements throughout the day will show the efficiency of volume control of the different prosthetic componentry and devices.

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