Psychological Outcomes Of Amputees With Van Nes Rotationplasty Procedure

Date of Award

Summer 6-2023

Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Orthotics and Prosthetics




Rotationplasty is a surgical procedure where the affected bone (including the knee joint) is resected and the tibia (lower leg) is rotated 180 degrees and reattached so the ankle joint forms a functional knee joint. This procedure is not common and if an individual meets certain criterion, is an alternative option to an above knee amputation or limb salvage. Studies have shown that rotationplasty offers some functional and long-term benefits versus an above knee amputation. One of the biggest deterrents of rotationplasty is the cosmetic appearance following the procedure and parents and families fear this will cause psychological and social problems for the child in the future. There are limited studies evaluating the psychological impact of the procedure. This study will include participants with rotationplasty (13 years and older and at least a year out from surgery) and a control group of participants with an above knee amputation or limb salvage that were candidates for rotationplasty, but opted for the alternative treatment plan. These participants will be given a survey to fill out, including assessments on quality of life, body image, emotional well-being, social functioning, and overall satisfaction with the procedure and prosthesis. The responses to the survey will be analyzed and compared to outline any notable themes, patterns, or differences in psychological impact and state between the groups. This will provide valuable insight to clinicians in optimizing treatment decisions, provide better information to patients and families about the potential outcomes of the rotationplasty psychologically, and lead to the development of improved rehabilitation processes and prosthetic interventions for individuals who undergo this procedure.

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