Quality of Life for Below Knee Amputees Who Received Immediate Post Operative Prosthetic Care

Date of Award

Summer 5-6-2023

Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Orthotics and Prosthetics



First Advisor

Darren Wiens

Second Advisor

Lana Huberty

Third Advisor

Brenda Davies


IPOP sockets are devices provided to amputees early on in their post operative rehabilitation stages. Utilizing quality of life surveys, I want to find out if IPOP sockets improve patient outcomes. Long term the hope is to provide a standard of care that effectively creates an easier transition to amputee definitive sockets. Current literature states that it is beneficial to rehabilitation and healing for the patient, but IPOP sockets are not a standard of care or common procedure among prosthetists or physicians. Finding a standard that can improve quality of life and reduce anxiety and depression among amputee populations is important.

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