Factors Affecting Brace Compliance During Scoliosis Treatment

Date of Award

Summer 6-25-2023

Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Orthotics and Prosthetics



First Advisor

Samuel Krahling


Adolescent children in the United States were reported to be affected by Adolescent Idiopathic scoliosis which consisted about 3 percent altogether (Kuznia et al,2020) The good news is that there are treatments available such as orthotic bracing and surgery. Orthotic bracing is the best option for this population if adolescent idiopathic scoliosis was found early enough and can prevent further progression of the spinal curve or future surgeries when the patient is compliant with orthotic bracing. Unfortunately, the sad news is that many of the Adolescents with Idiopathic Scoliosis are not comfortable with wearing braces. The nature of scoliosis deformity tends to affect the lateral curvature of the spine, which makes it even harder for adolescents with this condition to be uncomfortable with how their bodies look. In addition to this, Chan et al study also reported that adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis did not want their friends to know that they are wearing scoliosis braces (Chan et al.,2014) This has become a problem when treating adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis. It is important to educate parents, caretakers and adolescents with scoliosis about the importance and advantages of wearing scoliosis braces, because scoliosis bracing has shown to prevent further progression of the disease as well as preventing future surgeries when patients agree to wear the brace as instructed. This paper aims to point out factors that affect bracing compliance for adolescents with scoliosis during scoliosis treatment.

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