The Impact Of Dynamic Stretching During Warm Ups For Increased Performance In High School Varsity Basketball Athletes In Trinidad And Tobago

Date of Award

Summer 6-22-2024

Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Coaching and Athletic Administration




Due to its widespread popularity, basketball has become a significant sport with professional leagues thriving on nearly every continent. In Trinidad and Tobago, where basketball is becoming more and more popular, the study's focus is on varsity players in high school. Comparing dynamic stretching with traditional static stretching techniques, the study looks into how dynamic stretching affects performance and helps prevent injuries. Dynamic stretching has been demonstrated to improve performance metrics including speed, agility, and vertical jump while lowering the risk of injury. These movements are modeled after actual sporting activities. A pretest-posttest design was used to evaluate the data from thirty male high school varsity players. The results support the use of dynamic stretching in regular training regimens as it greatly improves performance metrics and lowers the occurrence of injuries. This study has implications for injury prevention methods, training plans, and coaching strategies in basketball and other sports around the world.

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