Can Off-The-Shelf Limb Protectors Protect Postoperative Transtibial Amputees from Falls?

Date of Award

Summer 6-2-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Orthotics and Prosthetics



First Advisor

Amy Funke


There are over 150,000 lower limb amputations done per year and 16% of those new amputees will report a fall. The consequence of those falls is a mean additional stay in a medical facility of 32.5 days. It is well established in the literature that the use of a limb protector decreases the time of healing, but there are not any studies to show that the limb protector protects the limb during a fall. This study will survey 400 amputees over 10 months. This survey will identify if various experiences in the post-operative to prosthetic fitting stage of care (including falls) had an impact on the time it took to be fit with a prosthesis. This study has the potential to legitimize the current limb protectors or support the need for more studies to be performed to make limb protectors more effective.

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