The Impact of Incorporating 60 Minutes of Moderate-Intensity Exercise Daily, During Scheduled School Hours, on the Mental Health Symptoms of Children and Adolescents.

Date of Award

Summer 6-26-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Exercise Science



First Advisor

Denise Howard


There is strong evidence to push the narrative that children enrolled in education should be receiving a minimum of 60 minutes of exercise every day. The negative impacts of poorly managed mental health can affect how children think, feel, and act and also plays a role in how children handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. Mental disorders range from a variety of diagnoses that may consist of schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, anxiety, and conduct disorder, and lead to substance abuse and dependence. There are various activities (walking, running, and playing) that are proven to be beneficial as a means of reducing the symptoms of disordered mental health. The use of physical activity as an aid is not only beneficial to reducing the symptoms associated with mental health but also aids in their continued development.

The participants of this study will consist of both males and females and will be randomly selected from one classroom at each grade level of individuals that attend elementary (kindergarten- fifth-grade), middle (sixth-eighth grade), and high school (ninth- twelfth grade). Throughout this experiment, the 9-item Positive Mental Health Scale (PMH-scale) will be used along with storybook reading as quick assessment instruments to assess the mental health of the individuals involved. Throughout a child’s life, there is a significant number of days dedicated to and spent at school. To promote healthy development, engagement in exercise is crucial for children and adolescents. Therefore, there should be enough time dedicated to allow engagement in exercise in the academic schedule daily.

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