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  • Limited data exists on matriculation from an undergraduate program to a DPT program within the same institution.
  • Academic advising and admissions influnce students' educational experiences and academic path throughout a student's education.
  • Various marketing strategies exist to attract potential students to a graduate program.


  • Investigate academic advisors' and admission staff knowledge, practice, and resources in regard to the DPT program within the same institution.
  • Identify desired resources to optimize the connectedness between the undergraduate programs and DPT program in the same institution.


  • 5 Academic Advisors
  • 9 Admissions Staff Members


  • Qualitative data collection via surveys and focus groups.
  • Triangulation of data, coding, and development of themes.
  • Action research strategies used to create tangible products and resources.


  • Participants were neutral to somewhat confident in advising students on GPA, GRE, and prerequisite course requirements.
  • Over 80 percent of the advisors and admissions staff were neutral to not confident in advising UG students on the unique features of the DPT program, demonstrating a need for additional resources and action (Figure 1).
  • Participants expressed desire for resources to provide to UG students including informational sessions and tours, student testimonials, a DPT resource guide and training for staff (Figure 2.)


  • Data revealed several opportunities to enhance the connection between stakeholder groups.
  • Participants have rudimentary understanding of the institution's DPT program, but lacked depth and overall confidence.
  • Based on results and literature, the following resources will be created:
    • In-person and virtual informational sessions and tours
    • Targeted Marketing
    • Student testimonials
    • DPT student brand ambassadors


  • Additional tools and resources will augment participants' existing knowledge of the DPT program.
  • A variety of marketing tools are recommended to attract students to the DPT program, including social media and virtual resources.



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