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  • Less than one-fifth of children with developmental delay receive early intervention before age 3.
  • At well-child visits, parents may voice concerns they have about their child; however, physicians may not consider their input in overall decision making.
  • Parents can complete formal screening tools across different settings, suggesting their ability to complete assessments in the home.
  • Verbal parental input can be supplemented by viewing an instructional video on typical development and completing standardized screening tools.


  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of an instructional video explaining test administration of the ASQ-3 on parental test-retest reliability.
  • We hypothesize that ASQ-3 scores from the second session will be different from the first session, indicating an instructional video is beneficial in parents' abilities to complete standardized screening tools at home.


  • Five children and parents from Lasting Impressions Child Care Center.


  • Outcome measure: 36-month, 42-month, 48-month, and 54-month ASQ-3 questionnaires
    • Standardized developmental screening tool designed to test a wide age range across five developmental domains
    • Administered by parents and various professionals
    • Questionnaires were converted into Google Forms for easy administration
  • Developmental screening was conducted across two testing sessions with the parent watching the instructional video before completing the second session. SPTs waited 1-2 weeks before sending out instructional video and Google Form for second session in order to avoid the learning effect.
    • Session 1: Parent scored child's performance from memory on their child's age appropriate ASQ-3 questionnaire through Google Forms.
    • Session 2: SPT sent parent instructional video to watch prior to scoring child's performance from memory on their child's age appropriate ASQ-3 questionnaire for a second time again through Google Forms.


  • Fine motor was the only domain with changes made by all participants at post-test.
  • More space for change in the fine motor domain.
    • 13 of 30 responses were "yes"
    • Other domains 22-26 of 30 responses "yes"
  • Following the instructional video, parents changed responses in at least two domains. Two parents changed more responses following the instructional video.


  • Based on these trends, fine motor scoring appears to be more influenced by the instructional video.
  • If a child's performance matched typical peers, it decreased the chance of a parent changing their answer in the second trial. A ceiling effect may be present for typically developing children.

Clinical Relevance

  • Standardized testing is feasible to complete virtually.
  • Instructional videos may augment developmental surveillance allowing parents to contribute to the detection of delay.
  • Recommend future exploration into: Larger sample size for statistical analysis; and, recruitment through social media to target typical parental age.



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