
Nonresident Father Perceptions of Consistent Involvement With Children’s School-Based Endeavors: A Phenomenological Study

Date of Award

Winter 1-14-2020

Document Type

Restricted Dissertation

Degree Name

Doctorate of Education, Ed.D.


College of Education



First Advisor

Audrey Rabas, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Peggy Dupey, Ph.D

Third Advisor

Meghan Cavalier, Ed.D.


Domestically, there is a widespread acknowledgment by educational scholars that there exists the need for nonresident fathers to be consistently involved in their children’s school-based endeavors. For more than a decade, researchers recognized that nonresident father involvement is essential to the academic success of students enrolled in inner-city public schools. Current nonresident father involvement studies suggest that nonresident father current school-based involvement experiences may impact nonresident fathers’ perceptions. How nonresident fathers perceive their roles in the academic development of their children affects their beliefs and parenting values toward school-based participation. The literature shows that there are benefits to understanding the academic outcomes for children when nonresident fathers are involved. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to understand through qualitative methods, essential components related to nonresident father’s consistent involvement in their children’s school-based endeavors among a sample of 10 nonresident African American fathers. Through a phenomenological approach, I sought to understand the beliefs and values related to school-based involved parenting of inner-city nonresident fathers. I intended to investigate nonresident father school-based involvement experiences with their children. The findings underline how nonresident father perceptions influence their involvement with their children’s school-based endeavors. The participants from this study demonstrated a desire to continue to consistently support their children’s school-based endeavors.

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