Date of Award
Spring 3-15-2019
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctorate of Education, Ed.D.
College of Education
First Advisor
Heather Miller, Ph.D.
Second Advisor
Aaron Deris, Ph.D.
Third Advisor
Edward Kim, Ph.D.
Teachers are expected to integrate technology into classrooms to prepare students to acquire 21st century skills and prepare them for future workforce. The U.S. government has spent significant resources on technology to support student learning and improve academic outcomes. Teachers will need support to be able to implement technology with fidelity in their pedagogy. The purpose of this qualitative research study was to gain an understanding of how teachers integrate technology in their pedagogy. One research question guided this research case study: How do teachers’ experiences with technology provide an understanding regarding their learning and teaching styles? The participants were made up of nine teachers from a middle school in North Carolina. Participants taught mathematics, English language, science, or social studies. Data was collected via from face-to-face interviews, observations, and member checking. To analyze the data, the inductive analysis model was used. The findings indicated that experienced teachers with high technology competency embraced it because of their willingness to improve their instructional practice. Teachers with the least experience with technology did not readily embrace it and integrated it inconsistently in their instructional practice. They relied on their prior learning and teaching style for the transmission of knowledge for their instructional practice. These teachers expressed the desire for ongoing professional development in their content areas to build their confidence and experience with technology. However, all the teachers agreed that technology is a useful resource that increased student engagement in the classroom.