Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctorate of Education, Ed.D.


College of Education



First Advisor

Connie Greiner, Ed.D.

Second Advisor

Catherine Gniewek, Ed.D.

Third Advisor

David Alba, Ed.D.


In this study the researcher examines high school mathematics teachers’ perceptions of flipped-mastery models as an instructional strategy. The researcher investigated how high school mathematics teachers perceive the instructional practices of flipped-mastery models and their ability to increase rigor in accordance with the Common Core State Standards. While extensive research exists on the flipped classroom as an instructional strategy, to date, limited research has been conducted on flipped-mastery models. Using a sample of 26 high school mathematics teachers, with experience using both a flipped-mastery model and a traditional direct instruction/homework model, data was collected via an anonymous online survey. The findings from the research show that high school mathematics teachers think favorably of flipped-mastery models as an instructional strategy. A large majority of research participants indicated they would recommend a flipped-mastery model to a colleague. In this study, the researcher found no differences in high school mathematics teachers’ perceptions of instructional practices and rigor based on gender and teaching experience. Research participants provided insight into the effectiveness and limitations of flipped-mastery models. Themes of pace/time, student ownership of learning, differentiation, and demonstrated mastery emerged as advantages of flipped-mastery learning systems. Increased planning, lack of student motivation/participation, technology access, and wide gaps in student learning emerged as themes detailing the disadvantages of flipped-mastery learning systems.

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